Today Jason started his semester at EMU again. So... that means Caleb and mommy are bonding today! I took this picture yesterday and put his "I love mommy" onesie on because he pooped all over his sleeper he was wearing. That was a first for Caleb! It literally jumped out the top of his diaper and got all over his back. The whole time Caleb never made a peep. :)
I wanted to use this time to share with you how how we have been blessed so far and seen God work since Caleb has joined our family. So many of you have been praying for us, and we want to let you know that it's working!
- I really desired to go into labor naturally, so when my doctor wanted to induce me I had to adjust my expectations. Being induced allowed Grandma Mary and Grandpa Brian to arrive the night before Caleb was born. Caleb was obviously ready to come out because the induction went really well. I only had to push for 15 minutes!!!
- Epidural or not? - I had really struggled with this decision... in the end getting an epidural was the best decision for me. I endured the pain of labor for 10 hours and in the end was able to enjoy the process! I think Jason was glad that I decided to get one... I was squeezing his hand so hard. :) Actually, he didn't like to see me in pain.
- I was so glad to have the doctor I felt most comfortable with be on call the day I delivered. That was a huge praise!
- The nursing staff at the hospital was excellent! They kept Jason and I informed at all times and were so helpful. I have the utmost respect for anyone in the nursing profession.
- Caleb's pediatrician could not have been more helpful! Her flexibility and understanding has been amazing. She even came to our house the day after we came home to help us out! WOW! Jason and I can't be more thankful for her.
- Christmas Eve - Caleb slept completely through dinner (take-out Thai food) and didn't wake up until the last present was opened. Caleb truly made the meaning of Christmas more real to us this year!
- 1st Wedding - Caleb was so good! He slept through the ceremony, fed before the reception, fell asleep in the car on the way to the country club, then slept through the reception and all the way home. In fact, he was so passed out that I was concerned he wasn't breathing! He was... I just had to check. :)
Well, these are just a few of the blessings we have experienced so far. Hope to share more memories in the next blog.