I know these may not be the best pictures ever, but today I was just thinking about how much Caleb loves music! I kind of thought he might like music with having a pianist for a mom and a dad who can put anything to song! I mentioned earlier that Caleb loves the stereo! So, today I popped in a little Beach Boys and sure enough... he crawled right over and started bopping along. "Barbara Ann" is his favorite!
What fascinates me is the kind of music he likes though. For those of you who don't know this about him, I hope you find it interesting too. We travel a lot since my family is in Illinois, so sometimes we have had to try various things to keep him entertained or to help him go to sleep. One trip he just wouldn't stop crying and go to sleep even though it was way past his naptime, so Jason decides to pop in his opera cd. Immediately, Caleb went quiet and didn't make another peep thanks to "O Mio Babbino Caro." It now works like a charm consistently!
Most recently, since we purchased our new to us minivan, we have found out Caleb loves Ladysmith Black Mambazo! This is a famous acapella African group that Jason introduced me to when we started dating. Turn on a little Ladysmith and Caleb is soothed, entertained, or put to sleep!
I appreciate our son's eclectic taste! He makes life interesting!