Caleb had his first major booboo! He fell off a bench at the farmer's market, and unfortunately I didn't know he was hurt right away. We headed straight home, and he seemed to be doing fine eating and playing with his toys. I noticed he wasn't putting pressure on his left arm though. After talking with the doc, we decided to watch it for a day or so since there was no swelling or bruising. Well, a week goes by and he still complains about his hand! So we got an x-ray and sure enough... he had a buckle fracture in his radius. Basically, that means his radius is a little bent. They referred us to the orthopedic people, and they want him in a cast for 2 weeks! So... it looks worse than what it is, but I'm so thankful I followed my gut. Obviously, he seems to be adjusting well to his cast which we call his "blue arm." When I ask him if he likes his blue arm, he says "Yes!" :) Thank you, Lord, for keeping Caleb safe! We'll keep you updated on how it heals.
P.S. Have to say thank you to Uncle Dominic for the awesome pictures with Gpa Mike!