We've had a couple of the most beautiful days here! We went to the park with Aunt Lindsey while she is home from school and had so much fun! Caleb went in the swing for the first time, went down the slide, got his feet in the lake, and learned how to eat an ice cream cone. What a fun afternoon! Abigail stayed in the shade and slept most of the time. :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
More than anything...
More than anything I must have flowers, always and always.
-Claude Monet
That Monet quote is one of mine and my sister's favorite quotes. With a "treeman" for a father, we grew up just naturally loving plants. Every vacation we would have to go to the botanical gardens if they had one. Pretty much every place we've been to has had one!!! One of my Mother's Day gift this year was a bouquet of flowers from Abby (and Jason). Unfortunately I didn't remember to take a picture of it before some of the flowers died. :( I did get a picture of my orchid though which started blooming again Mother's Day weekend. Orchids are my favorite flower, yet I've never been able to keep one alive.... until now!
This past weekend I got my flowers planted and the deck cleaned up. We can enjoy that space again! Both Abby and Caleb were napping, so I ate lunch outside and just enjoyed God's creation. I hope to have more afternoons like that! Caleb is already developing a love for the outdoors. He now points out all the flowers, trees, sticks, leaves, rocks... he's just fascinated by it all! I love that about him! He is a bit afraid of the grass though. I don't think he likes the way it feels yet. I often wonder why do we have all these toys when he is happiest playing with a bunch of rocks?! I was just in the mood to share something that makes me happy today. Next time I'll show pictures of the kids again. :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Abby's 1st Month and Caleb's Obsessions

We can't believe how quickly a month has passed. Abigail is still doing so well and had her 1 month checkup today and is 12 lbs. 2 oz. already. She looks much older than what she is, so sometimes I forget she still needs her snuggling! Caleb is still enjoying her and likes to push her in the swing... actually he likes to play with the lights on the swing more! Which brings us to Caleb's recent obsessions. It's funny how we pretty much do the same thing every day, but he loves it!!!! He loves to turn lights on and off, but that means picking him up. Needless to say he doesn't get to do that nearly as much as he would like! Only if he says, "please!" That's very important! His other obsession is so odd and I can't believe I haven't shared about it yet! SMOKE DETECTORS!
It started when he was calling the detector in our house a "ball." Grandma Becky explained it was not a "ball" but a smoke detector. Well, he just loved that word I guess and now says "detet!" and tries to find all the dectectors everywhere we go: at the hospital, the zoo, the pet store, etc... Even if there are crazy monkeys right in front of him, he is trying to find the detectors. Oh... it's the same thing with ceiling fans too! :)
We love Caleb! He makes life so interesting. Abigail will be giggling all the time with him around.
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