We can't believe how quickly a month has passed. Abigail is still doing so well and had her 1 month checkup today and is 12 lbs. 2 oz. already. She looks much older than what she is, so sometimes I forget she still needs her snuggling! Caleb is still enjoying her and likes to push her in the swing... actually he likes to play with the lights on the swing more! Which brings us to Caleb's recent obsessions. It's funny how we pretty much do the same thing every day, but he loves it!!!! He loves to turn lights on and off, but that means picking him up. Needless to say he doesn't get to do that nearly as much as he would like! Only if he says, "please!" That's very important! His other obsession is so odd and I can't believe I haven't shared about it yet! SMOKE DETECTORS!
It started when he was calling the detector in our house a "ball." Grandma Becky explained it was not a "ball" but a smoke detector. Well, he just loved that word I guess and now says "detet!" and tries to find all the dectectors everywhere we go: at the hospital, the zoo, the pet store, etc... Even if there are crazy monkeys right in front of him, he is trying to find the detectors. Oh... it's the same thing with ceiling fans too! :)
We love Caleb! He makes life so interesting. Abigail will be giggling all the time with him around.
Caleb and Abby are so sweet. Abby looks great in my outfit :) Pretty Abby! Funny Caleb!
Good to see you guys Sunday, even though it was just on Skype. I hope I spelled this word right. Abby is so precious and Caleb is still "our cutie". Love ya much! Gr. Rus
She is beautiful!!!
Abby and Caleb are so cute! I love Abby's bear-mat that she was laying on in that one picture. I think Abby looks a lot like Jason, and Caleb more like Amber. Although - I see you both in their faces. Big Red on the court again was nice to see as well....can't wait until July 27th thru 30th so we can all hang.
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