Family Verses

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord, "and will bring you back from captivity."
-Jeremiah 29:11-14

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Need Prayer - Caleb's Special Diet!

It's official! We started Caleb's Elimination Diet yesterday! We thought we needed extra prayer right now, so we wanted everyone to know what was going on and when you think about us please pray for Caleb, Jason and I as we work through this process together.

What is an elimination diet and why are we doing this?

Caleb has had excema in the form of little red bumps on his legs, arms, and a little on his face since he was about 6 months old. It has been getting worse the last few months and has spread to his tummy, back and bottom at times. We believe that this is primarily food related from our own instinct and doctor's advice. So... we decided to go through an elimination diet which means we have cut out any possible allergenic foods. That means almost everything Caleb has eaten has something that could be an allergen: stuff like dairy, eggs, soy, wheat, possible fruits that are suspect as well. For one month we will stick to the good foods, and then start adding things back in to see if he reacts to them.

This will be a long process for all of us! We hope and pray that it will all be worth it and we will figure out the cause of Caleb's skin problems.

Things to pray for:
1. Caleb will eat the good foods we give him.
2. Patience for Jason and I when Caleb gets stubborn.
3. Wisdom daily for us in our planning and decision making.
4. Caleb's understanding of the process. :)
5. Healing for Caleb's skin!

We will keep you updated throughout this process! Thank you for your prayers!
-Jason and Amber


Anonymous said...

That is a long process and a hard one for a 2 year old to understand. Our prayers for you as you change his diet. Our love, gra & grandpa Rus

Anonymous said...

Oh Amber! I feel for you. Katie had severe allergies, but before we really knew what it was, she also had terrible eczema. She was allergic to the proteins in milk...different from being lactose intolerant. She was also allergic to peanuts, cats, dogs, mold, pollen, rag weed, different trees, dust mites, and more! It was very overwhelming for awhile, but she became my healthy eater and to this day loves almost all veggies! I am pryaing for you all!
Jean Ringenberg

The Redouteys said...

Thanks for the comments so far! We appreciate your prayers. So far, Caleb hasn't ate very much each day, but he has tried to eat 1 new thing each day! We are very proud of him. Not much improvement in his skin yet, but it is still early.


Party of Five said...

My prayers are with you. That is a hard thing to go through. We had to do the same with Justin- he gets on the back of his knees and in the creases of his arms when has any dairy. We try to regulate it, but it is hard- the poor kid loves cheese. That is one or the challenges with food allergies, they tend to crave what they aren't supposed to have. Well you guys are all in my prayers, I hope all goes well!

Berjo said...

Tell Caleb that Grandma Mary will be trying to eat good food, too! I just don't think I can handle a constant diet of brown rice couscous!